Log 1

How I improved my well being today 


1•Woke up early to have a hot shower (Mondays are hard and I needed a head start).

2• Had a healthy breakfast (protein shake and a muffin).


1• Used spare time to catch up on work that I have been behind on (It releases stress).

2• Went to the gym (exercise is proven to help boost emotional and physical health due to the released hormones at time of excercise, try to do this 3-5 times a week if possible).

3• Steam room ( steam rooms help hair skin and lungs and can also relieve anxiety as well as calm the mind and body doing this 2 times a week is very beneficial). 


1•Eat a good wholesome meal for example I am making chicken breast, baked potatoes, and corn. Make sure your meal consists of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables! 

5 thoughts on “Log 1

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